Leah T. Cintineo, Esq. (Law Firms) in Rochester
Full information about Leah T. Cintineo, Esq. in Rochester: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Leah T. Cintineo, Esq. on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Leah T. Cintineo, Esq.:
300 Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, New York (NY), 14604
EditLeah T. Cintineo, Esq. opening hours:
M-F: 9AM - 5PM
EditReviews about Leah T. Cintineo, Esq.:
About Leah T. Cintineo, Esq.:
Issues of divorce, custody and child support are complex and often tumultuous for the parties involved. For me, this is the challenge and the reward of Family Law. I create multiple strategies to help negotiate favorable outcomes and minimize stress as much as possible. I am a trustworthy, sensitive and effective advocate for my clients who are often facing the most difficult times in their lives.
I focus my practice on family law. This includes divorces and post-divorce matters, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, adoption, child custody litigation, child support litigation, domestic violence, spousal support, and visitation rights law.
I have offices in Rochester, NY, & Canandaigua, NY.
Law Firms nearest to Leah T. Cintineo, Esq.:
Underberg & Kessler Llp Rochester, Law Firms; 300 Bausch And Lomb Pl, Rochester, NY, 14604-2702; (585) 258-2800
Edmund J. Russell, Esq. Rochester, Law Firms; 300 Bausch and Lomb Place, Rochester, NY, 14604; 585-258-2834
Paul F. Keneally, Esq. Rochester, Law Firms; 300 Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, NY, 14604; 585-258-2882
Patrick L. Cusato, Esq. Rochester, Law Firms; 300 Bausch & Lomb Place, Rochester, NY, 14604; 5852582884